The story

Tetos by CBL is a potato snack made using real potato. With only a few pieces of comprehensive communication done for this snack, there was a need to reiterate its presence in the market and revive a user base that already has a plethora of snack choices in Sri Lanka.

The goal

To reposition Tetos as the definitive social snack for a younger and more socially aware generation.

The how

The proposition was simple. In a world steeped in fake news, fake personalities, and gossip: the only way to fight the fake is by being real. This is where Tetos comes in, as the real snack for real people made using real potatoes.

 The work

We developed two films and a 360 campaign: encompassing digital and on-ground comms that revolved around ‘real’ people exposing fake people

The effect

Tetos became the contemporary snack for youth that wants to recognize and combat the fake in society: inspiring ‘Realness’ through the real taste of real potato.

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