A creative-led integrated marketing agency

Facebook’s platform updates are as continuous as JK Rowling’s edits to the Harry Potter universe.

The platform sees constant revision- although this is in a quest to improve customer experience and allow better data collection, as opposed to headline-grabbing *ahem JKR ahem*.  Facebook’s latest updates over the last few months are largely aimed at the people operating pages and groups. Here is a quick rundown of the most important updates to know about:


Ads Manager and Business Manager: It’s gonna be lit!


So, fair warning, these particular updates are currently in the works and will only properly come to be later in the year (We don’t know when yet. In any case, when the updates do come to pass you will be able to see the following differences.


The Ads Manager’s updates follow on from the recent redesign of the interface which allows for easier navigation and more effective campaign management by way of a new copy and paste feature that will help build your ads faster. On top of this…. wait for it…. you will also be able to auto-name your campaigns (how this will work practically is yet to be seen though).


The Business Manager will also be showing some slick new gains: Its updates include a faster, seamless process for agencies taking onboard new clients and give them easier access to historical reporting. You will be able to use a special feature called ‘Add a New Partner’, giving said partner access to your Pages and Pixels but not access to each other’s Business Manager accounts (Whew!).  It will also allow campaigns to be run more effectively.


Cost Cap Bidding: Going, going, gone… and under-budget too


This update will allow you to get the most out of your bids using Facebook’s Cost Cap Bidding strategy. Cost capping will guide you in maximizing conversion volumes while still managing your budget.


You will also be able to bid cap, which will set a limit on your bids and keep your costs consistent. Go on you! Make your finance division proud!


Facebook Adds Inventory Filter: #AllAddsMatter

This filter will give you more power on choosing where your ads are seen and the content your ads are seen with. This is part of new brand safety control measures and is to help protect brands from being associated with the wrong kind of content.


Essentially, you’ll be able to choose not to have your ads appear with sensitive content that could damage your brand by association.



You can choose to what extent to filter this. This applies to Instant Articles, Audience Network, and In-Stream video placements.


Clear History Feature: ‘Cause ain’t nobody wanna see that!


Yes, ladies, gents and germs, in late 2019 Facebook will officially have a Clear History tool. While the stalker in all of us will heave a huge sigh of relief, this is unlikely to hurt advertisers and marketers too much because the majority of people will not be clearing their histories regularly so you will still have potential to reach your audience. Although people will be able to choose not to store their history at all; this could be problematic, potentially.


These are the recent Facebook updates that caught our eye but these guys are constantly refining and introducing changes. So, there will be more! Ah Facebook; the gift that keeps on giving.


What do you think? What was the most significant of the recent changes for you? Let us know in the comments below.

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