A creative-led integrated marketing agency

As we head further into 2019 it’s clear that there are some consumer trends that are applicable globally and marketers, in particular, should be aware of them. Here are the top 10:

A World of Experts


Traditionally, consumers had only limited sources of information and informed choices, while possible, weren’t easy to make. Today, one could even argue there’s too much information available. Anyone can find out anything about anything today with a simple Google search and this is changing the power dynamic between brands and consumers. Companies today have to constantly innovate, drive prices down, streamline and ensure that their offerings are relevant. The customer has

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I Am


Whether it’s a diet, fitness, interior design or any other area of interest, there’s plenty of information online to make overnight experts. Therefore, consumers feel that they don’t have to consult professionals to make decisions anymore. In addition to this, they feel that mass-market offerings are not the solution for them and gravitate towards brands that provide high levels of personalization so they can create unique products of their own. Many fashion brands are now following this model, allowing customers to

customize their garments on order. Personalization is becoming more important and consumers are growing tired of brand marketing.

Me, Me, Me. Now, Now, Now!



Instant gratification has now become more possible than ever before and is very important particularly for younger consumers. But this is more to do with the fact that everyone is busy and time has become a luxury than with a desperate need for instant gratification. Consumers are looking for frictionless experiences that merge with their lifestyles. The speed of delivery has become a crucial factor in the success of a brand or retailer. The trend towards

drone delivery and cashier-less checkouts will only pick up the pace as we move forward.


Simple: The New Fashionable


Consumers are bombarded with so much variety these days that they now want to simplify and de-clutter their lives. Minimalism is in and ‘back to basics’ is in vogue. Clean, uncluttered branding and simple, yet stylish products are all the rage now and will likely be for some time.

Eco-Friendly is In


Consumers are increasingly using their buying power to protest against the excessive use of plastic. Single-use plastic packaging is especially disliked. 63% of the world’s packaging is still made from plastic and brands will need to adopt better alternatives just to keep customers. The fashion industry is making great strides in this regard with brands now using plastic waste to create fabrics and garments anyone would be proud to wear.

#Woke Consumerism


Consumers are now sensitive to things like animal rights, working conditions and other ethical concerns. Therefore, brands should reduce their reliance on animal products and ensure working conditions in their production plants are up to scratch.

No Fear of Missing Out


Playing on people’s fear of missing out isn’t working as well as it used to. That’s because consumers are tired of being bombarded with too much new information. Consumers are looking to protect their mental health by being more selective in their activities and increasingly people are decreasing the time they spend online, on social media and even going on digital detoxes. Brands can capitalize on this by positioning themselves as brands that care about an individual’s time and space. Slow cooking, slow travel, slow fashion etc… are all gaining traction.

A Digital Global Community


Online communication is coming of age with text, video chats, real-time collaboration, virtual meetings and other such futuristic dreams now becoming a reality. Sharing information has become so easy and brands need to keep track of this active sharing and create products and services based on artificial intelligence, virtual reality and predictive analysis in order to keep up.

A Society of Loners


More and more people are living alone, even though more and more people are connected through the internet. According to US statistics when today’s young adults turn 50, 25% of them will have been single their whole life. More and more people are also opting not to get married or have kids. Fewer kids and fewer spouses will mean more disposable income and people using their spare time and money to travel, study and have fun. Also, people who live alone prioritize affordability and convenience; for example, clothes that dry fast and don’t need to be ironed will be preferred by this group. Brands should be aware of this and position themselves accordingly.

Age is Becoming Insignificant


Older people are living younger lives, especially in wealthier countries. Access to good healthcare and living conditions is making older people feel, behave and be treated as younger. Therefore, brands will have to design products to be universally acceptable, rather than having a specific generation in mind.

The world is constantly changing and trends come and go and the brands that adapt are the brands that survive. What do you think? Do you agree with these trends? Have you had any related experiences? Let us know in the comments below!

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