Seylan Bank initiated the optimization of all its services to make their experience more inclusive to the hard-of-hearing community. This is because the hearing-impaired section of our population constitutes nearly 2% which makes up a disproportionately large cluster of people without access to proper financial assistance due to difficulties in communication.
To innovate an existing medium to effectively communicate that Seylan Bank has made itself more accessible to serve the hearing-impaired.
Seylan Signfluencer.
We facilitated the inception of the first ever social influencer to communicate exclusively via sign language. We engaged the hard-of-hearing community with Seylan Bank’s message of renewed accessibility via the Seylan Signfluencer.
The Seylan Signfluencer took over social media on World Sign Language Day 2023 and demonstrated how Seylan Bank adopted the language of a mostly marginalized community to understand them, without forcing them to understand us.
What we achieved
During the initial phase of the campaign, the Seylan Signfluencer took over social media by storm and taught everybody how to sign their names as each name has a unique sign. As organic impressions rose, we launched our second phase by having her endorse Seylan Bank’s products and services. Here, we also enlisted the help of other prominent influencers who drove up visibility significantly.
The entire campaign garnered:
29,060 engagements
3,959,683 total impressions
Heart of mind
Our campaign ignited a powerful response across Sri Lankan social media channels, sparking a wave of shares and overwhelming engagement on Seylan Bank’s platforms, driven by genuine gratitude from our audience. Such was the impact that major brands sought collaboration with the Seylan Signfluencer, recognizing the authenticity and resonance of our message, thus further amplifying our reach and influence within the market.
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