A creative-led integrated marketing agency

Social media is a game of trends that’s almost as exciting as a game of thrones 😉 Different trends and ideas are constantly vying for dominance in an ever changing landscape (for a chance to sit on the silicon throne?). Businesses who are not capitalizing on the opportunities that social media provides are doing themselves a great injustice. However, to make the most of it all we need to always be aware of the trends.


That’s why we’ve taken the trouble to put down what we feel are the top 10 Social Media Trends going into 2019:

1. Gen Z Centricity


Gen Z is coming of age and now entering the workforce; i.e. they’ve got cash to spend, so marketers are falling over each

other to target this new, lucrative segment as early as possible. An important part of this is a trend towards pop up sales and events that offer more intimate and personalized customer experiences. These are popular because they offer a sense of uniqueness and allow for an apparently more personalized customer experience. Most importantly, these events are designed to be shared on social media and given that Gen Z was born surrounded by tech, digital marketing appeals to them more than any other channel.

2. Live Streaming


 (Not Porn! Unless, it’s what you’re selling :-P)

This has become increasingly popular because it allows for a more personalized customer experience, which is crucial today. Using live streaming, marketers can give customers intimate, behind-the-scenes experiences coupled with a call to action. Another benefit is no need to worry about creating the perfect video and going through endless retakes. Lots of little mistakes will be overlooked simply because it’s live.

Social influencers have become increasingly influential and this trend is likely to continue. We have previously covered influencer marketing in great depth, which you can find here. Content creators on platforms like YouTube and Instagram are able to speak to their audience through relatable content and marketers can leverage influencers’ followings and content to promote their brands in what appears to be a very personalized way. We cannot repeat it enough, personalized experiences win.

People feel they can trust their favorite You Tubers or other influencers and that’s big in a market where customers are distrustful of large companies.

4. User-Generated Content (aka getting customers to do some of your work :-P)


This is content that gets created by fans of brands who are not paid to post. This kind of content is great for businesses as it again creates a personalized experience and also, word of mouth referrals are still a great tool in the digitally driven marketplace of today and user-generated content is the best way to get it. Customers also feel involved in the business, which enhances brand loyalty.

5. Chatbots and Messenger Apps


Yet another channel through which the customer can reach out to brands, they are a great way to provide an enhanced sense of personalized service. Additionally, chatbots can start up conversations with people who land on a brand’s page which can ultimately lead to sales that would not otherwise happen. Both these methods are a great way to increase engagement and improve customer experiences.

6. Augmented Reality


A great example of this for marketing and which is useful for marketers is Snapchat’s Facial Filters. Some of them even have sponsor branding in the corner of the screen and digital marketers should take advantage of such features to push their brands.

7. Video


Still the most dominant medium in social media, video is likely to remain a trend for a long time to come. Did you know that over 200 million Instagramers use Instagram Stories each month and that YouTube continues to become more and more popular? Some platforms even allow for live video chats between multiple people on the go. Having a presence on the major video platforms is invaluable for digital marketers today. If you’re not paying enough attention to video, it’s high time you started!

8. Great Content (No one likes crap!)


Ultimately, the stuff you post and share online has to be of good quality in order to retain and grow your following. No matter what strategy you use, if your content is not the best you will see poor results. Content needs to be engaging, of good quality and where possible, original. Like video, content is likely to remain a trend not just in 2019 but long after that, possibly for as long as digital media lasts. Great content is the cornerstone of any great marketing strategy.

9. Voice Search


Some estimates say that by 2020, 30% of web browsing and 50% of web searches will be done without touching or typing but by using voice commands. Using our voices is natural and opens up the door for multitasking like never before. Major companies are banking on this trend taking off with voice inputs being a major selling point for AI apps like Google Assistant, Bixby, Siri and Cortana; it won’t be long before voice searches are considered a norm.

10. AI Solutions (The robots could take over the world… of marketing at least :-P)


This trend is picking up steam in a big way; the future is already here in some cases. AI will transform digital marketing and marketers should be ready. We already interact with AI and we don’t even realize it. Most importantly, AI will allow for a level of personalization never before seen in marketing. Marketers will be able to create products and services that continuously learn about their customers and provide personalized feedback. You know how your Netflix and YouTube recommended lists are created just for you? Yeah, well that’s AI personalizing it for you!

And there you have it, the top 10 trends social media trends as we go into 2019. The future is awesome and with a little planning, the possibilities are endless! We’re excited about all these new trends, are you? Have we missed anything? Let us know in the comments.

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